
Showing posts from 2018

TS118 - He's Punching it in the FACE!

A poem by Joe: Once there was a Grunkle Named Stan Who had  two nice five-fingered hands A bird stole a pig And Stan's muscles got big And then Grunkle Stan punched the Pteradactyl in the face. This has been a poem by Joe.

TS117 - Boybanderoff's Boysterous Boy Bands

Sometimes someone steps out from the shadows.  They are neither the hero you want, not the hero you need, nor really the hero you deserve.  Unless you're a really bad person.  Is that why?  Is that why I am forced to type these words?  WHAT DID YOU DO???? Please!  Why!?  Anyways, here's our funny podcast about Gravity Falls.  Sincerely, Dr. Cornelius Boybanderoff

TS116 - Freaky Funday (ft.CarpitPigz)

WE"RE BACK BABY You've heard about pigs in a blanket....  Now STARE INTO THE DEEP DEPTHS OF PIGS IN A MAN.  Or don't...  but please actually do. We have fun times and slapstick humor prepared for those who dare to enter our domain.  (but in a good way)

TS115 - Funny Jokes and Water Wings

It's been a long day without you my friend, but I'll tell you all about it as we sit in a moist tub with strangers.  This week, the boyos get to watch a GOOD EPISODE for once.  After the desert (not dessert (you can tell because there's only one s)) of bad episodes and unfunny jokes and bad plot, the Deep End returns with the first great and true Mabel episode and Trever is really happy about it.

TS114 - It's the PITS!

please send Spicy Nacho Doritos

TS113 - Our Boss is a RAPPER?!

Can something bad still be good?  Is it wrong to love something you know is just a giant trash monster waiting to eat your toilets the moment you turn your back on it? Are garbage metaphors even worth using?  And will the appearance of a renowned American singer, songwriter, rapper, and record producer save this podcast from total pun annihilation?  Find out this week on TAD STRANGE!

TS112 - We've been TWAMATIZED!!!

What makes a good horror movie?  How can that sort of storytelling be adapted to a children's show?  And how effective was Summerween at browning our trowsers with fright sauce?  All these questions are answered alongside bad puns and fan theories here with Tad Strange.

TS111 - Lil' Freestyle

Everyone has their own way of dealing with failure.  For some, it's gummy bears, for others it's bottling up their emotions until their eventually explode, destroyign your house, your family, your pets, and your Amiibo collection.  The doctors over at the Emmy award nominated show "The Doctors" tell us that good character development can only be achieved by stopping the flow of the story and inserting scenes of characters saying exactly who they are and what they are feeling.  Gravity Falls proves them wrong with an epic display of storytellingship the likes of which have never been seen before.  Oh, also Joe used the wrong microphone by accident.  Whoops!  

TS110 - Pop Culture MACHINE

From Futurama to Steven Universe, the boys immerse you in a world of filler episodes and pop culture references.  What makes a good or bad filler?  Find out this week on Tad Strange!

TS109 - Pig Love

If you wanna be my lover, you gotta be a pig.  How valuable are your relationships?  Would you sacrifice your best friend to make your sibling happy?  Will Mabel ever learn any lesson literally ever?  Probably not.  This is Tad Strange.

TS108 - Irrational Jokesters

Crazy presidents and reinstated precedents.  What more could you ask for!?  How about word play?  We got that too!  The boys are back at it again for the eighth time, looking at stuff and talking about it.  Good job boys!

TS107 - Double Johnson


TS106 - Trever vs. Manliness

Trever explores his own past to convince Matt and Joe that this episode SUCKS.  Laughter is not an episode's only measure of success.

TS105 - Peer-sonal Identity

Peer Pressure.  It makes you ashamed of what you like and it transforms you into something you hate.  We explore the effects of Peer Pressure in the Inconveniencing and so much more in this episode of Tad Strange.

TS104 - Redeeming Gideon

What makes a good villain?  What makes the jokes in Gravity Falls so darn good?  And why did this episode fail to successfully deliver in both areas?  We answer these and other questions in this week's episode of Tad Strange.

TS103 - The First Real Episode

Finally, this series is exposed as the brilliant masterpiece that it is.  We struggled through the last 2 episodes, picking out whatever nuggets of gold we could find, but episode (Headhunters) is straight-up gold-plated.  We break down for you what made this episode good, what could have been improved, and how this is a perfect example of how amazing Gravity Falls is as a series.

TS102 - Family VS Scooby Doo

The three amigos discuss the good, the bad, and the ugly of Gravity Falls' second episode, The Legend of the Gobblewonker.  Some of us consider this the bottom tier of Gravity Falls episodes (me) while others think that this episode did a much better job than the pilot did of flushing out the amazing world that this series would reside in.We look at how this piece of media attempted to parody several mystery shows from times past and try to determine whether this parody was enjoyable or if it instead dragged down the entire episode into an unenjoyable mess.

TS101 - Love and Loss in Tourist Trapped

An exploration of the funniest jokes and deepest meaning hidden in one of our all-time favorite shows.  In this episode, we analyze Tourist Trapped, the episode the first introduced us to the world of Gravity Falls, Oregon.  We consider whether or not this episode served its purpose as the first episode in the series and what takeaways we can gather concerning the fictional world, the amazing characters, and maybe even some life lessons.