
Showing posts from June, 2020

TS207 - McGucket, McGucket, McGucket

TS206 - The Little Computer That Couldn't

Trever's Headphone feed on his life essence.  Matthew's computer does not.  Flesh bags feed his audio.  Electricity is the past.  Bodies are the future.  Accept your power. Sincerely, The Very Real Chairperson of GMEP (Grandparents for More Electric Power)

TS205 - The Great PizzaBadger Conspiracy

There are few mysteries more complex than the Pizza-guy-possibly-wearing-or-being-an-animatronic-but-also-running-a-store-for-children-where-people-throw-pants-at-badgers-while-being-badgered-get-it-its-a-joke-haha-laugh-now-please-okay-love-you-bye. -Ronald Heffinbacker, 32 minutes before his untimely death at the hands of a mechanical badger.